Don’t be scared – be prepared!
Do you think you’ve got what it takes to handle things when the shit really hits the fan? There’s only one way to find out…
If you’ve ever wondered whether or not you can weather a huge, destructive storm or total infrastructure collapse using nothing more than your wits, an axe, a paracord bracelet, a bottle of vodka and a dog, then this is the game for you.
The first main goal in Prepper is to build up a cupboard filled with everything you need to get through a crisis. While you’re doing so, you advance around the board and pick up extra items and skills by testing your own prepping, survival and general knowledge and abilities, during a fun and challenging trivia round in which you’ll answer questions and also interact with your surroundings and each other. By the end of the first round, you’ll have a great prepper cupboard – packed with items that could range from a packet of painkillers to a domestic electricity generator. So far, so good. Right?
Wrong. Prepper is a game of two halves. And in the second half, things really go south. You see, once you’ve tested your knowledge and built up your prep store as best you can, disaster strikes. What this disaster is, you don’t know for sure. It could be anything from getting lost in the forest to a total infrastructure collapse. And it’s happening to you, right now, and you need to do something about it.
A lot of people think they have the gumption needed to make it through a crisis. In Prepper, you get the chance to find out. And it’s not just about having the right stuff in your cupboard. Far from it, in fact. It’s also about having the skill to come up with creative solutions using only what you have at hand. It tests your ability to barter with your friends for the things you know you need right now – and which you’re also going to have to convince them that they won’t need any time soon. And, it measures your willingness to help others in their times of need – after all, one day you might need their help, too.
But more than anything else, it’s about using your wits and your kit to get through tough situations – which might range from a cut thumb or a power cut to the roof literally being torn off your house – while still, somehow, keeping it all about the LOLs.
You’ve got what it takes to play Prepper. In fact, you were born ready. Now all you have to do is prove it.
Since its release, Prepper has found its way into many prepping cupboards, ensuring social analog interaction when the world goes quiet, and you're isolated.
Autumn/Winter 2021
1 game board
4 prepping cupboards/Bug Out Bags
8 playing pieces
4 plastic feet
4 turn reminder cards1 rulebook
1 shelf
100 tiles with items and abilities
5 Joker tiles
4 MacGyver tokens
200 Prepping cards
4 Crisis Folders
1 Poster
240 Crisis cards, divided into 4 scenarios:
60 × Lost in the Woods
60 × Storm
60 × Pandemic
60 × Infrastructure Failure
Game Rules (Svenska)
HI-RES pictures
Rickard Höök